The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

Vic Super Challenge
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Author:  Gigantor [ 07 Feb 2008, 16:12 ]
Post subject:  Vic Super Challenge

Hi Guys

With the recent success on the kingies, what are your thoughts on an annual one day boat based comp targetting only the fish on the Vic challenge list? Would not be set for a specified day. Would be called on weather dependant, as are large wave days in surfing.

Alternative is to drop sweep, squid, etc and include unlisted pelagics in case someone jagged a frigate mackeral or a Dolphin fish. Possible future sites would include Wilson's Prom or Portland.

Other change would be to put up prizemoney of a small/nominal amount, say $200 (for bragging rights) that the club could recoup from the entry fee.



Author:  Kurt [ 07 Feb 2008, 16:21 ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a great idea.

But i doubt we have any chance against Joseph..

Author:  Lethal [ 07 Feb 2008, 19:24 ]
Post subject: 

I personally think it gets away from the whole point of the competition. The list represents the 10 most targeted species in Vic, (except maybe sweep)..

It takes some man hours to get a good snapper, squid, flathead, salmon in a year, and i doubt a boat day you'd be lucky to get a good weight for any of those fish.

Maybe put an unlisted pelagic spot in there but how would you determine what fish is better? If anyone was to get a dolphin fish it would probably take out most meritorious anyway!

Author:  Doc [ 07 Feb 2008, 19:47 ]
Post subject: 

If a comp is announced, that gives me leverage for a dive,,,,,call it on!!!!!!
My "wife" is driving me nuts! Help get me out of the house on my days off fellas,,i beg of you!

Author:  Kurt [ 07 Feb 2008, 23:26 ]
Post subject: 

Leigh has a good point, maybe just move it down to a Pelagic day/comp and just the guys go out all together and try slam some pelagics.

Then set up a special scoring system especially for those expect pelagic species.

Move it away from the "vic challenge".

Author:  smashd it! [ 08 Feb 2008, 13:43 ]
Post subject:  super comp

Would be a good comp if held seperate to the vic challenge.It could not be run at the prom.There is a small clause written into the rules of the prom that there is to be no spearfishing comps held at wilsons prom.

Author:  adamo [ 08 Feb 2008, 14:24 ]
Post subject: 

it might just be a big coincidence that we all meet in the same place at the same time, :wink:

Author:  Doc [ 08 Feb 2008, 16:14 ]
Post subject: 

What about stop arguing about minor points and call on another comp :D

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