The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

2009 Nationals in WA
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Author:  south935 [ 13 Feb 2008, 21:42 ]
Post subject:  2009 Nationals in WA


WA are sniffing around for an estimate of attendees for three possible locations of the National next year. If you think you will go, please respond with a yes or no for each location.

Here are the 3 options:

Probable date is: Feb 14-22nd

1: Abrolhos islands - Large boat based

Probable cost $900 per person

Obviously the most exciting location for non-WA divers

Logistically the most difficult, 120km boat ride for each heat

Politically sensitive area

Fair chance this location will be ruled out by changes in Fisheries regulations in July

2: South west corner – shore based

Probably cost $300 per person

Lots of locations with protection from all weather conditions

Lots of tourist attractions close by, wineries etc

Damo Lane is very keen to help out and use his shop as a headquarters (would also mean another 20 or so AUF members from down there)

The area has been under a marine park proposal for a couple of years but no info on when this will come into affect.

Plenty of accommodation and low boat traffic

3. 3 separate heats; north metro, south metro and south west

2 large boat heats and 1 shore swim (not sure about pairs event)

Probable cost $700 per person

Bit of a pain as competitors would have to move long distances between heats and have a couple of different accommodation locations

Would get rid of the marine park problem

Higher boat traffic areas

Author:  spearo776 [ 14 Feb 2008, 17:31 ]
Post subject: 

that's an affirmative from me there captain... please pretty please be abrolhos... :D :D

Author:  gs [ 15 Feb 2008, 09:01 ]
Post subject: 

Margaret River or Perth - I`m in.

Author:  the brown mullet [ 18 Feb 2008, 19:54 ]
Post subject: 

bring on the abrolhos islands for me to :D thats a yes yes yes please

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