I bought one of these a few months ago when they were on sale for $10 at Anaconda and now there's an article in
The Age re the knife being deemed illegal and Anaconda being under investigation for selling it!
http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/polic ... -p3na.htmlQuote:
Anaconda spokesman Steve Carey said the knives had been stocked since December last year.
In a statement, he said the blade's design was similar to other sport and recreation knives on sale at other retailers.
The knife is basically a rip-off of a popular model sold by some of the major spearo brands (don't want to get em in trouble) but you'll all recognise it. It's low quality but I figured I'd probably lose it anyway at some stage.
I wonder what this means for the spearing community: will we have to hand them in and replace them with something else now? Obviously it's absolutely never carried out of the water but I don't want to get stopped on my way out for a dive and get fined for being in posession of an illegal weapon in my dive bag!
Reckon I'll call Anaconda and arrange a refund perhaps...or tell em they owe me an Omer Laser for my troubles!