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PostPosted: 12 Nov 2012, 05:19 
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Remoah wrote:

Bushnell and Vortex (Especially their Viper/PST lines) are good brands.
Leupold used to be good, but quality control has gone out the window and they're nowhere near as good as they used to be.

Good luck and happy hunting.

Reding an Oblivions arnt bad either.

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2012, 18:31 
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ozdog wrote:
surfcoastspearo wrote:
Holts in colac is the go!

Spoke to Dan, going to see him in a couple of weeks.
Thanks mate. have we met surfcoast spearo?

My shooting will be close range drove up to 20 pigs and piglets yesterday comming home from a Barra fish. Tried to hand catch some piglets but they were to quick for us. Still looking for a .243 but going to drop my price range for my first gun.
Had 2 cows stuck in the quicksand on the banks of the Ftizroy River managed to free them both. They had been there for a week and the black felles had done nothing! :evil: who would have known cows can swim.!

managed to bring home one nice 70+cm barra

great friday arvo

Hi Oz yeah we've met a couple times along the coast and a club meet....... And I usually give ya a call about squid time when your down at the Qcliff music fest. By the sound of it your livin' the dream up there atm!

Due to rising costs and dumb questions;
Answers will now be $1.00
Answers with thought $2.00
Correct answers $4.00
Dumb looks are still free

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2012, 19:41 
Fanatical Senior Member

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Remoah wrote:
Tikka has excellent fit and finish and is reliable and accurate.
Good luck and happy hunting.

thanks mate yeh will be looking at tikka's when i get home.melb
understand about the Scope will get it fitted up here. they said (Derby firearm supply) can sight it in to a nice tight group for me then its up to me to fine tune it.

there isnt much to do up here so when i go fishing 3-5 times a week i will be carring the gun with me in the car and in the tinny.

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2012, 13:43 
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I think this is the gun.I had a hold of one in Colac the other week. felt very nice. and the price has come down heeps.
I got quoted $1145 (colac) same gun in Broome WAS $1900! :shock:

I have my sights set on the .243 the station manager has one so i can scab ammo if i need to.
will pay it off over the xmas holidays and have it sent up to Derby then the paper work can start, could take 2-3 months :roll:
if it isnt what i want i can flog it off and get my money back.

thanks for your thoughts and help

edit. just found/ purchased the same gun in Queensland for $1100- delivered to Derby. now i have to wait for the paperwork. wont see the gun for another 2-3 months at least!
thanks again for all your help.
keep you up to date with my hunting cheers

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PostPosted: 12 Jan 2013, 16:03 
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Well the gun arrived in Derby on my last day in W.A for the year.I franticly got togeather all the paperwork and sent it off to Perth. The rifle turned out to be the Stainless Fluted, so im chuffed about that. gun felt good out of the box with no scope as yet..

While i wait for the paper work to go through i need to look at scopes..

I dont understand the magnifications, but a good point a mate said was shooting in the evening in low lite.
what do people think about this scope from Leupold? ... 60310.html

i would like to keep it silver or maybe matt silver? thoughts on brands or advice.
P.s loving being back in Melbourne

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2013, 16:44 
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Hey - I have a T3 30'06 and use a leupold vxII 3-9 x 40. You should be very happy with the vx I , it is better to buy a better scope at the start, then upgrade later!!!
The larger the lens ie 40mm the more light it lets in - my brother has a vx3 4-16 x50 and can usually pick things up in the dark better than i can. It is amazing how much better you can see through your scope, than just your eyes after the sun has gone down, let alone with a spotty!
Dont cheap out on the rings either - get good steel rings, the tikka ones work - but you get better performance out of quality mounts.
Enjoy it out there - sounds like you have plenty to ping at!

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2013, 22:57 
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Apologies for the late reply.

Magnification... well, 3-9x40mm means the scope is variable power between 3x and 9x optical zoom, with a 40mm objective lens.
The wider the objective lens the better it performs in low light (ie: it picks up more light).
The wider the tube the (generally) clearer the picture will be as the scope will focus better.

After getting my first 50/30mm scope, i'll never go back! The wider Objective and Tube costs more, but by hell it lets in SO much light and is SO much clearer.
You might be looking at a higher magnification range as well with those figures though, most 3-9x and 4-12x are in 40/25mm, and 50mm objectives are normally in scopes in the 6-24x zoom range which is far too much for hunting.

Leupold are good but some people have had some pretty average experiences with them lately as the company got bought out. They do however sell some pretty decent scopes. However they're pricey, and often don't come with the features provided on Bushnell and Vortex scopes in a similar price range.

And don't skimp on rings! Leupold, Seekins and Burris all make good rings!

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013, 09:51 
Fanatical Senior Member

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thanks for your input. i am an underwater hunter so its great to get some advice from crew who know whats-what in regards to hunting beasts. i fly back out on Sunday to Broome then the 400k Drive to Fitzroy Crossing (in Full flood now).
going to have a brouse at the gun shop in High st Thornbry this week.
cheers again

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013, 21:37 
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Frank orieleys/Abelas would be the best gun shop around Melb have huge stock (did before hand over) and tullamarine now has gun emporium which one of the guys from Frank orieleys works at now (great bloke wealth of knowledge) outdoor sportsman are good friendly people but don't have anything in stock and everything takes 3 times longer than it should. I have a 243 and a 30-06 if u only wanted one gun I would say the 30-06 as u can load a huge amount of bullet weights through it! Mine are both howas stainless with Camo stocks about $700-800 accurate straight out of the box with a variety of factory ammo! Happy for u too have a shoot out of both pm if u want to hook up for a shot! Scopes I have bushnell elites can pick them up in the states for half the price hear try Cabelas in the states they usually have ridiculous prices on items they want to clear

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PostPosted: 10 Mar 2013, 13:22 
Fanatical Senior Member

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Hi again, my licence has arrived. after 3 months and heeps of Money$(gun,scope,safe,bag,strap,licence,storage, fitting around $2k+) i can go and pick up my shooter.
I ended up getting a leupold VX-1 for $250 from Melbourne better than $400 in Derby. going to stick with the stock scope mounts for the time being, cost is blowing out :oops: .

New Rifle "Running In" found this on the net.I would like to get as much life and enjoyment out of this gun, would people recomend somthing like this?
Running in Procedure
The most commonly used method to run-in a new barrel is to “shoot and clean” as follows:
Shoot 1 shot and clean (chamber and barrel and dry out)
Shoot 2 shots and clean
Shoot 3 shots and clean
Shoot 5 shots and clean
Shoot 5 shots and clean
Shoot 10 shots and clean
Shoot 10 shots and clean
for a total of 36 rounds. Use ammunition from a single batch similar to the type of ammunition that you intend to use for future shooting.

cheers oZ

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2013, 13:50 
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Hey OZ

The running in procedure is something a lot of people have their own method. What you have written down sounds about right - just remember to let your barrel cool a little too - as it will get hot after shooting a few rounds, and this effects accuracy!

Try and boresight the rifle on a target at around 50m - this will help you get on paper quickly, simply take the bolt out - look through the barrel on the target - and make sure your scope is fairly close to what you see - then the fun starts!!
make sure to get some cleaning solvents - hoppes and sweets are the two main ones i use - coupled with a good oil!

have a blast

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2013, 18:09 
Fanatical Senior Member

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Wow, what a crazy couple of months! after the advice from people on this forum i am a very happy owner of my first rifle!!! Here are a couple of pics from last week after i shot my first Pig.
The Black fella is my co-worker and mate "Bubbly" (leon) holding 2 bush turkeys he shot with his Bruno 22.
We just had a long weekend in W.A. and i organised a Boys weekend out on the Fitzroy River fishing, hunting and 4x4.
But thats another story.. 8)
Cheers fellas and good luck up at Eden. come on vicco :P

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PostPosted: 06 Jun 2013, 20:47 
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Well done oz. God size hog

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2013, 02:46 
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Well done mate!! Good to see you are doing some hunting...
Nice pig!!

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PostPosted: 08 Jun 2013, 22:28 
Fanatical Senior Member

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this was todays effort.

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