The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA
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Author:  Octopussy [ 21 Oct 2013, 10:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Sorry Greg but its not the 80's anymore.

If something goes wrong its on the comp committee's head. Its not fair to have a go at the boys just because they are making a decision based on the safety/welfare of members. They should have the support of the club behind them.

It is not fair to pressure the comp committee into calling a comp on in the future when conditions are shit - and on Sunday conditions were SHIT.

Coroner to the comp committee - "Comp committee, with all your knowledge of and experience of weather patterns and forecasts, why the fuck did you hold a spearfishing comp in 6-8ft swell with strong wind warnings."

Author:  the brown mullet [ 21 Oct 2013, 10:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Did you look at Flinders yesterday Paul or are u assuming that it was fine? Cause I'll give u the heads up. They were surfing Point Leo yesterday! Flinders was 3-5 ft, that's straight from an abalone diver who lives there. And where on the Bay close to the Penninsula could you have dived in 20+knots of northerly?? And why does the comp committee have to explain itself to you on why it cancels a comp?? They have come to the conclusion that it's not suitable on the day and that's it! Are you going to be the one standing infront of a judge when he asks why the comp wasnt cancelled if someone was to die or be seriously injury? Only have to look at the surf live saving club in QLD that got dragged over the coals when they didn't cancel a compatition last year and people died. Greg 30 years ago u didn't have the internet, saves people a lot of time and money if comps can be canned before hand. And 30 years ago u wouldn't have seen public liability like we do today. At the end of the day the right call was made by a group of guys who are trying their best to keep everyone happy! And for those that arnt happy stand up and do the job yourself!

Author:  Brett Illingworth [ 21 Oct 2013, 13:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

I too was comp convenor for several years. I was more than happy to can a comp if "I" did not think conditions suitable. No backchat. On reflection should probably have cancelled a few more!! Old ways are not necessarily the best ways. I saw the Schanck and Flinders on Sunday morn and I can assure all that the number of fish that would have been taken was zero.

Author:  Andrewv [ 21 Oct 2013, 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Can we now move on the the next comp now. Sorrento boat. in 2 weeks. The 9th or 10th Nov.

Author:  Fitzy_Eire [ 22 Oct 2013, 08:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Lets hope this Sunday pulls up good, Monday is looking good so far.

Author:  P.Diddy [ 22 Oct 2013, 09:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

I'm a bit confused Muzz, I thought you'd quit as Convenor? (can’t say I'd blame you). I did have a look at Flinders Pier area and it was calm, dirty, but calm. Most importantly-Safe. They may well have been surfing Point Leo, good spot there. I looked at the Schanck and it was horrendous - I was very wrong with my prediction, my bad. I also looked at the Bay and no one would have called it, not even God, but the Bay was really good. The wind abated very quickly and I had a very pleasant dive.

Some of you guys have got the wrong end of the stick, I may be old and bitter but I can assure you I am not advocated putting people into unsafe conditions, I have not and would never do that. I am fully aware of the legal an insurance ramifications of the of the committees decisions (In fact too aware).

This Elitist attitude ‘we make the decision and you can all go fuck yourselves’- Why? Surely it is a good thing to post an explanation of the conditions and pass on the wealth of knowledge that you guys have got.

Anyway, see you guys at the next comp!

Author:  Andrewv [ 22 Oct 2013, 19:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Just to clarify Fitzy. No Comp this weekend. Our rules only allow a comp to be postponed to the next spare. We will look at fitting this comp in later. Maybe this rule needs to change. Bring it up at the next meeting. It would leave 2 weeks before the Sorrento Boat.
If there is enough interest for a comp this weekend then maybe it can be discussed and organised. What are your thoughts everyone. ?

Author:  Fitzy_Eire [ 22 Oct 2013, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Thanks Andrew, didn't know that.

Author:  Watto [ 22 Oct 2013, 21:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

If conditions are good we might as well use the Sunday, but the call obviously can't be made until Thursday night

Author:  Bluegroper [ 22 Oct 2013, 21:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Bring it on any sunday, any conditions!

Which means if im there, anyone else participating is guaranteed not to come last;)


Author:  Rotret [ 23 Oct 2013, 18:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

I'm in!! Tell me where and when,


Author:  Andrewv [ 23 Oct 2013, 22:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Sorry . Not enough interest for this weekend so It may run later in the season.

Author:  P.Diddy [ 24 Oct 2013, 07:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

How much interest is required, 2 competitors? 10 competitors? How do you know who's going to turn up, is there some kind of a secret ballot?

Author:  Brett Illingworth [ 24 Oct 2013, 07:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

my crystal ball suggests that conditions this weekend will be SSHHIITT !!

Author:  P.Diddy [ 24 Oct 2013, 07:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: 2nd SFD comp for the 2013/14 season – PENINSULA

Ohh sorry , I thought Andrew said that there was not enough interest.

Brett! I think you have just hit the nail on the head -Crystals Balls is the problem!

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