The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

picasso centry 100 brand new
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Author:  odie [ 19 Nov 2010, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  picasso centry 100 brand new

Hi have for sale a Picassso Centry 100 cm gun.
Instead of going on ebay thought I would offer it to the forum members.
I will leave this up here for 7 days if anybody is interested send me your best offer .
Highest offer gets it.
Dont ask how much I want for it just send me an offer of what you would pay for it.

Brand new still in plastic bag Has not been used at all
Comes with a reel not sure of brand the reel is used. Also has twin bridle rubber.
Also has a spare handle peice that is made for man size hands
Will try and get some pics but if you dont know what they look like google it or stop reading this post now.
Will take the best offer can drop off at next club meeting or come pick it up from Rosebud or might be able to deliver to Queenscliff.

Author:  odie [ 22 Nov 2010, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

I will try and generate a bit of interest .
I am not 100% sure but dont think you cant buy these new anymore so grab yourself a peice of history
I would like $375.56 for the gun or make me an offer
Remember Picasso it a great brand of diving equipment and this gun can only increase in value

Author:  Random [ 22 Nov 2010, 21:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

WTF is with the price .... !!

And how the **** can it increase in value ...

Author:  Brett Illingworth [ 22 Nov 2010, 22:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

Are you people thick? He said, "Highest OFFER gets it."

Author:  Andrewv [ 23 Nov 2010, 07:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

Next post will be someone with a ridiculous offering ( Not me)

Author:  Greg [ 23 Nov 2010, 08:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

Andrewv wrote:
Next post will be someone with a ridiculous offering ( Not me)

how does two packets of Whizz Fizz and an over ripe kiwi fruit sound?

Author:  odie [ 23 Nov 2010, 09:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

so far Greg you have the highest offer not sure on th kiwi fruit .
I must tell you thou postage will cost you $255.62 If I except your offer hope you are ok with that.

Author:  Rhino [ 23 Nov 2010, 12:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

You value 2 packets of wizz fizz and a kiwi fruit at 120 bucks? I'll give you a carton of Wizz Fizz packets and a box of kiwi fruits for your ski and you can keep the change!

Author:  Greg [ 23 Nov 2010, 17:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

It's the lolly wizz fizz, not a euphemism for any other white powder.

Author:  odie [ 23 Nov 2010, 19:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

what change how much could I resele the carton of wizz fizz???
I thought that people would be jumping to get their hands on a classic picasso gun .

Author:  Rhino [ 23 Nov 2010, 19:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

Just takin the piss, in all seriousness tho my Picasso 1mt is by far the best gun for it's size I've used. Wouldn't even consider a different brand nowadays.

Author:  odie [ 23 Nov 2010, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

Dont care that you are joking I consider it sold I expect the wizz fizz on my door step tommorrow morning so I can get buzzed buy the afternoon.

Author:  Rhino [ 24 Nov 2010, 00:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

I was expecting delivery considering my generous offer of a full case!

Author:  CELL [ 24 Nov 2010, 10:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

odie wrote:
so far Greg you have the highest offer not sure on th kiwi fruit .
I must tell you thou postage will cost you $255.62 If I except your offer hope you are ok with that.

Please tell me thisguy is f**king with us!

Author:  odie [ 24 Nov 2010, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: picasso centry 100 brand new

nope I am not f star star king with you but if you buy my gun for a really big price I could arrange a visit if you are that way inclined we could even incorperate some wizz fizz since there is so much being thrown around at the moment.

But seriously there is only one offer of $100 at the moment any higher offers

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