The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

EDEN 3way comp
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Author:  the brown mullet [ 29 Apr 2011, 19:02 ]
Post subject:  EDEN 3way comp

Warren Carter who is one of the organisers for this comp rang me last night and asked if people who are going to dive the comp this year could they PLEASE join the USFA online before hand. The reason being its a pain in the butt to do it on the day so do warren a favour and join now...

Author:  immortal [ 29 Apr 2011, 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Link please...
I can't find "join online" or "pay online" option, only option is to download the form and send it via mail. It would be great if all this could be done online.

Author:  south935 [ 30 Apr 2011, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Why doesn't the AUF insurance cover you for this?
We were gonna let the USFA guys dive the Kingfish Cup!

Author:  the brown mullet [ 01 May 2011, 09:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

was the same last year to,bull shit if u ask me. got to down load the form and pay that way

Author:  nuts [ 02 May 2011, 13:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

This is from the USFA web site

1. All competitors must be financial members of the USFA unless they are interstate members of the AUF or international competitors attending at the invitation of the USFA, or that particular competition has been opened to all spearfishers for any particular purpose.

So why do we have to join ASFA if we are members of the AUF ?

Author:  the brown mullet [ 02 May 2011, 15:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

usfa members had to join the auf at the nationals but i thinj they got there money back at the end of it. was the same in eden last year to nuts,$30 for a three month membership i think. makes no sence really

Author:  the brown mullet [ 02 May 2011, 23:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

that rule changed when the USFA and AUF split apparently

Author:  Cdog [ 05 May 2011, 21:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Does anyone know why the AUF and USFA actually split? Why does everyone have to suffer as a result of a couple or several individuals having a hissy fit.

Author:  craney [ 05 May 2011, 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Apparently over blue groper :lol:

Author:  ozdog [ 06 May 2011, 09:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

I will be away for this comp. the club trailer will be in storage in Newport. if the trailer is going up to N.S.W. please contact me.ASAP
So i can organize with my old man for someone to tow it.

Author:  the brown mullet [ 08 May 2011, 12:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Think it more to do with personal issues between a couple of blokes on each side Cdog, thats what iv heard anyway.

Author:  craney [ 08 May 2011, 15:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

I can hang onto the trailer if needed, 50/50 on going to Eden myself at the moment but would love to do it and have no problem towing the trailer up if I go. Anyone who hasn't done this comp should try it great weekend.

Author:  Andrewv [ 08 May 2011, 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Likewise Paul 50/50 at this stage with the jetski

Author:  the brown mullet [ 08 May 2011, 15:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

we wont need the trailer up there will we? why arnt u taking the boat for trent craney?

Author:  craney [ 08 May 2011, 16:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: EDEN 3way comp

Trents been banned from going this year by his Mum because of VCE and falls around some exams :shock:and if I try to fight a losing battle for him she might take my privlages away to :lol: if I go will be shore diving it.

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