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PostPosted: 03 Jul 2013, 23:08 
Fanatical Senior Member
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2014 Australian National Titles Kangaroo Island – This event is confirmed for Sunday the 12th to Sunday the 19th January 2014 on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The competition will be based on the North Coast of Kangaroo Island at Emu Bay and it is advised that competitors should start looking for accommodation as soon as possible. This is a very important competition in that the top competitors will be up for selection or nomination for the Australian and/or inter-pacific teams.

Below and attached are the 'B section rules' for the event.

We are looking for comments and feedback before July 19th 2013.

Please comment on this thread and also send your comments to;

Once again, all comments need to be submitted by July 19 2013.

62nd Australian Spearfishing Titles B Section Rules
General Competition
All competitors must be REGISTERED by 6 pm on Sunday 12th of January 2014.
Current AUF or USFA membership is mandatory for this competition. All competitors must be financial for the duration of the event. Pre advised overseas competitors are eligible to enter and be recognised (all trophy’s will remain in Australia) All competitors must show respective association members card.
Nominations for Pair and Teams must be submitted by 4.00 pm on the afternoon preceding those events.
World individual & Interpacific pairs selections will be considered from this event and rules applying to selection will be provided prior to the championships commencing.
There will be a dive briefing for each heat the night prior at 1800 for captains. There will be a short competitor briefing prior on the day at 0745 am.
Captains will be required to read the risk management plan, which will be provided, on sign on day
Grand Masters 64 years & older will be included in this event.
The organizers accept no responsibility for any claims for loss or injury that may arise at this event & expect that all competitors understand & accept the coverage of insurance they may or may not have through their membership of the AUF or the USFA as being adequate to their personal needs. Competitors should consider their own personal insurance cover additionally.
Every competitor must bring a plastic fish/dive bin to store their fish in water prior to weigh in. This will enable fair treatment of all competitors fish and maintain eating quality.
It is the obligation of the diver to bag, seal and tag his / hers catch at the competition venue. (BAGS, SEALS & TAGS will be provided by the organisers). No responsibility will be taken by the organisers for incorrectly sealed or tagged catches. All catches MUST BE TRANSPORTED to the weigh-in area by the divers. The competitor’s catch will only be weighed when the competitor, his nominee or the team manager is in attendance. Only the competitor or his nominee and the team manager will be allowed in the weigh-in area to watch the weighing of the competitor’s fish.
Decisions on identification of fish species by the weigh-in officials will be final. The principal reference text for identification of species shall be; Sea Fishes of Southern Australia by Barry Hutchins & Roger Swainston.
Any ineligible fish species (see scoresheet) presented at the weigh in will result in that competitor being disqualified from that day’s heat. Only listed fish are permitted to be used for burley. Size limits must be adhered to at all times. No competitor is to present more than 2 of one species at the weigh in.
The following species are protected In South Australian waters and their capture is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN:
 Blue Groper
 Great White Shark

Divers are required to bring back all items of gear and fish to the sign off area prior to the finish time, Failure to do so will result in disqualification from heat.
Only one unlisted specie & one fish from each category ‘’other” may be weighed in.
Eligible species, which are dependent upon fisheries legislation, will be accepted by minimum lengths first, followed by weight. This will be at the interpretation of the weigh master.
Any competitor breaking any South Australian Fisheries regulations size or bag limits during the event will be disqualified from the competition.
All fish presented for weigh-in shall remain the property of the host.
A collection bin will be provided at the sign-off point for depositing of unwanted fish. Tails are to be chopped off of any fish competitors wish to take home. Dumping of fish or rubbish at the dive venues will carry a “PENALTY”. DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE HEAT.
Breaches to ‘A’ Section Rules will be dealt with under those rules & may lead to disqualification.
Emu Bay, Snellings beach, Stokes Bay, Western River Cove, Cape Cassini
No competitor shall spear any fish in any of the nominated venues 14days prior to the 12th of January 2014. * PENALTY * DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE CHAMPIONSHIPS.
The depositing of equipment at various sites in the Competition Venues prior to the start of competition for use during the competition will not be allowed. eg: Backpacks, shoes, spare clothing, dive gear, water bottles etc. (Refer A Section Rules) * PENALTY * DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Starting points &Sign off points TBA prior to heats.
All mandatory safety gear as per “A section” Rules must be strictly adhered to and will be checked each day of the event.
Plaques/Float boats & Body board floats are permitted for use during competition.
Due to the potential shark hazard that diving Kangaroo Island provides, these methods of floats are STRONGLY RECCOMENDED by the organisers.
There is no maximum size limits for floats, but they must not be used to aid in transportation of a diver at any point of the competition. Competitors caught doing so will be subject to DISQUALIFICATION FROM THE HEAT.
The use of torches during the event is permitted. As South Australian fisheries regulations permit the use of torches whilst engaged in spearfishing activities.
The use of Shark Shields is permitted and recommended to be used by all competitors.

Nationals B SECTION 2014.pdf [121.75 KiB]
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PostPosted: 04 Jul 2013, 10:03 
Vic Records Officer
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Joined: 13 Jul 2009, 19:06
Posts: 977
Better put my penny's away...woo hoo K.I!!!!!

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2013, 13:47 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 26 Jan 2009, 16:01
Posts: 43
Hope you can make it Watto! Victoria always has a strong team in SA due to the similarities in the diving.
I am really hoping for a 40 diver field... Possibly optimistic but the pressure we have felt to host the Nationals on KI again from divers in other states is considerable.
But at the end of the day hopefully it is a well contested and fair comp!!


PostPosted: 15 Jul 2013, 15:00 
Fanatical Senior Member

Joined: 04 May 2009, 12:45
Posts: 832
The following species are protected In South Australian waters and their capture is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN:
 Blue Groper
 Great White Shark
:lol: :lol: :lol:

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2013, 17:09 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Since none liked the Russian humour post removed, did not mean to offend anyone.


Last edited by immortal on 16 Jul 2013, 15:59, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2013, 22:30 
Expert Member (SFD)
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probably shouldn't be joking about that in SA! Might come back to haunt...


PostPosted: 16 Jul 2013, 08:11 
Fanatical Senior Member

Joined: 26 Nov 2005, 18:10
Posts: 1044
Yep, that could really come back and bite you in the arse.

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2013, 18:30 
Novice Member

Joined: 08 Apr 2012, 09:44
Posts: 18
What is the history of shark activity with the time of the comp aligning with the fur seal pup period? Is there good diving on the north side looks less reef that the southern side?
Interested in competing.

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2013, 11:01 
Fanatical Senior Member
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I went to the 2006 Nationals at KI and it was the best comp I have been too, great weather , calm seas and the South Australians are fantastic hosts.The North shore is 80kms of lee shore in the Southern Ocean. Heaps of reef holding Nannygai, Swallowtail, Harlequin, Queen Snapper, Whiting, Boar fish, Sweep, Snook, Salmon, Wrasse, Ling, Rock Cod etc. As for Sharks, well I never saw one but the lady diver saw a Shark on one of the comp days swimming away from her, she thinks it was a White but didn't get a positive ID. The safety boat had seen a some fat Bronzies on the day so probably a Bronzie however there are definitely Whites there. Come to think of it there are definitely Whites at Philip Island....

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2013, 18:48 
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And in Port Phillip Bay at times.

Q. What should I do?
A. Go Diving! 8)

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 18:17 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 26 Jan 2009, 16:01
Posts: 43
Hi guys, Anyone intending on competing in these Titles needs to sort out Accomodation ASAP!
This comp is during a busy time on the Island and accommodation is getting scarce.

I spoke to a fellow diver today who owns 'Molly's Run' He has one of the nicest places on the island and has offered a very special deal for anyone coming over for the titles. He has 3 rooms available for the comp period and they are currently available 1 week before, during, and a few days after the comp period (2 with queen bed + ensuite and 1 with 2 single beds + ensuite... The single beds can be pushed together and make a king bed.)

He is happy for people to swag it on the floor to make it even more affordable. He is offering these rooms at a price 'PER ROOM' so if a few of you are happy to share a room and ensuite this could be very affordable!

These rooms are offset from the main house but whoever rents the rooms will have full exclusive access to the house, kitchen, large lounge room, open wood fire, good quality beach launching.

These rooms WILL GO FAST and I have offered them on other media aswell so first in first served.

They usually go for over $500 PER NIGHT and he has offered them for a special price of $1200 per room per week (regardless of how many stay) This is a genuinely good offer from a guy who is trying to do his bit to help with the organisation of the titles.

Mollys Run is situated near Smiths Bay (about 10 minutes west of Emu Bay on the North Coast Road.) Very central to all comp zones!

Call me if interested 0409598470
This post will be removed once the rooms are taken


PostPosted: 08 Aug 2013, 22:29 
Vic Records Officer
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Joined: 13 Jul 2009, 19:06
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Who is actually planning on attending?
So far all I have heard from vic is RT, a west coaster?, Drew and myself.

PostPosted: 09 Aug 2013, 11:23 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 26 Jan 2009, 16:01
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Is Drew even Victorian anymore?? :mrgreen:


PostPosted: 09 Aug 2013, 16:32 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005, 23:33
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Yes.. State of origin rules! Might even try and get Dwayne in Vic for a few weeks before and try and claim him too.

Breathing is Overrated

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2013, 19:41 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 26 Jan 2009, 16:01
Posts: 43
Haha Leigh! Pretty sure Victoria will be strong enough without u claiming Dwayne too!

If anyone else is interested in other Accomodation call this number (08) 85535241
Apparently these people have a couple of places available too.


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