The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season
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Author:  Andrewv [ 27 Aug 2012, 14:10 ]
Post subject:  Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Rob Torelli A
Murray Petersen A
Chris Monaghan A
Ric DeVries A
Nathan Watson A To be confirmed after 3 comps
Leigh Elliott A To be confirmed after 3 comps
Peter Riddle A RES
Brett Illingworth A RES /50+
Justin Goss A RES /50+
Paul Dorfstatter A RES/50+
Andrew Vibert A RES/50+
Jake Morris B
Clint Engel B
Ivor Nakic B
Scott Walker B
Trent Crane B
Tom Dawson B
Ziya Mustafa B/50+
Michael Tong C
Odie Charles C
Brad Lanza C
Alex Zisma C
Trent Cooney C
Paul Blackbarrow C
Russell Pickins C
Paul Adey C
Paul Crane C
Leigh Armstrong C
Daniel Kelabora C
Trevor Jones C
Allan Betts C
Nighia Vu C
Kevin Posselt C
Alan Fitzsimons C
Kaid Love C
Tim Earl C
Stephen ? ( Superstevo) C
Jack Cridland C
Joseph Bednarak C/50+
Chris Bonato C
Claire Hollier C/W
Shae Holmes C/W
Mac Riddle JUN

If you are not on the list or have questions p/m me

Author:  Old Salt [ 28 Aug 2012, 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

I assume that if I, not ever having dived a comp before, was to compete then I would be in C grade? Not suggesting I would be any higher - was kind of hoping for a shoot one sweep, get a dusky free introductory offer... :lol:

Author:  Lethal [ 28 Aug 2012, 16:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Correct everyone starts in C grade.

Author:  craney [ 29 Aug 2012, 07:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

And some of us never leave there :lol:

Author:  Brett Illingworth [ 29 Aug 2012, 08:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

C grade is the backbone of the club. Not to mention Ego Boosters to the Top 3 :mrgreen: .

Author:  Hermstar [ 29 Aug 2012, 11:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

As I'm new to the club and never dived a comp before.
How does one get classed in a group (A,B,C - obivously you start from the bottom when you start out) and who determines whether they get upgraded. How is it determined. Just curious.


Author:  Watto [ 29 Aug 2012, 11:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Top two places at the end of the season move up a grade

Author:  Andrewv [ 29 Aug 2012, 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Sorry Watto its not automatic these days

Author:  lynchy [ 30 Aug 2012, 13:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

i will be back to compete in Victoria one of these days! :|

good luck to all divers for this season

Author:  ozdog [ 30 Aug 2012, 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

i will be there to go head to head again lynchi :twisted:

Author:  Claire [ 31 Aug 2012, 15:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Is "A RES" a 50+ now?

also my name has an i in it. Claire......

Author:  Andrewv [ 31 Aug 2012, 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

It does seem like that but its not. Call us the have been A but not quite B so in between. You will note that Joseph and Ziya are also 50 + and still in B its just the way it worked out.
It will also work the other way. Been a B but not quite A
I do know that there is an I in your name sorry but I just copied the list from last year and did not pay attention.

Author:  P.Diddy [ 03 Sep 2012, 08:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Can a A-Reserve and a A be swapped during the season depending on the individuals performance ? I see that some can but others don't seem to be able. If every one in these grades can be promoted- demoted at the end of 3 comps then I understand what A- Reserve means. If not why not just have A, B, C and D grade?

Author:  Andrewv [ 03 Sep 2012, 09:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

There was a long discussion about the 2 divers picked out on the list and no firm decision made. It was decided that a decision would be made after 3 comps as one of these should be in A Res. Normally changes during the year would not be made.

Author:  P.Diddy [ 03 Sep 2012, 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Diver Grading list for 2012/2013 season

Hey, I just had a flash of brilliance! Why haven't we thought of this before! Lets have A grade, A+ grade, A++ grade and A+++ grade. That way we can we will all be good!

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