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PostPosted: 11 Jan 2013, 16:32 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005, 23:33
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Kingfish Cup is coming around again on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th Feb. Going to be a big and very exciting comp this year with it being open state-wide. Have a read of the info pack for full details and get on board!
1. Victorian Kingfish Cup will be open to ALL Victorian Marine waters where spearfishing is permitted. (Please refer to the “Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide 2013” for information regarding prohibited areas);
2. The competition committee reserves the right to cancel the competition if severe weather is forecast;
3. With the competition being open to ALL Victorian Marine waters, competitors’ will be responsible for reading the weather forecast and determining if the area and conditions in which they intend to dive will be safe;
4. Only species eligible for the Kingfish Cup is the Yellowtail Kingfish. All fish to be a minimum of 65 cm in length.
5. Points will be allocated as; 100 points per fish and 10 points per kilogram. No maximum weight/points. Only 2 Kingfish per pair are eligible for scoring (no restrictions on who in the pair shoots the fish). Only 2 fish may be presented to the weigh in on the Sunday. The pair with the highest points for the two fish taken during the competition will be the Victorian Kingfish Cup champions.
6. The competition sign-on closes on Thursday 7th February at 8pm; any sign-on forms received later than this time will not be accepted. Sign-on forms will be accepted in person at the SFD club meeting or via. email with sign on fee to be paid in cash or direct deposited to the Southern Freedivers Inc.
7. Competition roll call will take place via phone call to central phone person (Nghia Vu - 0404 664 222) between 5pm and 8pm on Friday 8th February, where all sign on details will be confirmed. IE. Dive location, return contact details, etc. (This means divers can drive to their desired dive location on the Friday night and are NOT required to start from a central location permitting there is phone reception to sign on to roll call.) Competitors MUST call in for roll call, no exceptions. If competitors do not get through straight away they must keep trying until they get through. If you are not registered on the roll call you will not be entered in the competition.
8. First day of competition, Saturday 9th February;
o Fishing may begin anytime after dawn on Saturday 9th February;
o VERY IMPORTANT - Competitors must conclude fishing and call (or SMS text) the central phone person (Nghia Vu - 0404 664 222) via phone to sign off for the days diving between 4pm - 6pm on Saturday 9th. Any diver not signed off by 6pm will be disqualified and phoned to ensure they have finished their diving safely. 3 attempts will be made to contact the diver before their emergency contact is called and an emergency response will ensue. (If divers intend to dive a location that has no phone reception it is imperative that they return to an area with reception in time to make the phone call to ensure an emergency response is not initiated un-necessarily);
9. Second day of competition, Sunday 10th February;
o Fishing may begin anytime after dawn on Sunday, 10th February;
o Sign off and weigh in will take place at the Southern Freedivers club rooms, located at Bennet St, Dandenong (see map at the end of this document). Weigh-in ring will open at 2pm. Fish and the competitors must both be in the weigh-in ring before 3pm at which time the weigh-in ring will close;
o VERY IMPORTANT - If someone does not attend the final weigh in, they will be recorded as “did not weigh” (DNW). In this instance the competitor must phone (or SMS text) the central phone person (Nghia Vu - 0404 664 222) between 2pm and 3pm on Sunday 10th to sign off that they have finished their diving safely. If a diver is not present and has not called in to sign off; 3 attempts will be made to contact the diver via phone, if these are unsuccessful then their emergency contact will be called and an emergency response will ensue;
o A BBQ and presentation will follow the weigh in.
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Breathing is Overrated

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2013, 01:39 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Joined: 07 Apr 2006, 17:03
Posts: 1939
Why so early on Sunday?

Like a farken underwater ninja!

The fish were blinded by overexposure to his pure awesomeness!

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2013, 06:15 
Fanatical Senior Member

Joined: 26 Nov 2005, 18:10
Posts: 1044
Emphasis is on Saturday. For most, Sunday will be Hail Mary at local (ish) spots. Weigh in and BBQ need to be at a reasonable time to ensure any attendance. Early finish is also handy for purposes of Diver accountability.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2013, 00:16 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Joined: 07 Apr 2006, 17:03
Posts: 1939
Sweet, sounds good!

Like a farken underwater ninja!

The fish were blinded by overexposure to his pure awesomeness!

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 18:21 
Expert Member (SFD)
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i can see whats going to happen already :roll: fingers crossed it stays like that till sunday

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2013, 21:27 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Joined: 22 May 2007, 14:48
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Unfortunatly the weather looks pretty crap for the weekend guys and girls. So the comp has been canned for this weekend , we will move it to next weekend. Ill post something tuesday to keep people informed of the forecast.

Sorry for the late post, been on the water all day

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2013, 10:02 
General Committee Member
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Thanks Muzz. We also have a problem using the clubrooms on the 17th. so will have to come up with an alternate finish point. Any suggestions anyone.

Why is salt water so far away and the weather so crappy at this time of the year ?

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2013, 10:11 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Let's do it like the last time, at the prom.


PostPosted: 08 Feb 2013, 13:00 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Posts: 1080
The park at mornington??? Near the pier.

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2013, 19:50 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Somewhere between The Shank and The Prom as that's where everyone will be diving. Mornington will be out of the way for everyone.

The park at Tooradin is smack bang in the middle, cleaning tables etc!

Like a farken underwater ninja!

The fish were blinded by overexposure to his pure awesomeness!

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2013, 23:25 
General Committee Member
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Posts: 397
The park at mornington??? Near the pier.
I vote for muzza's idea!!

I don't get sea sick, the sea gets sick of me!

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 09:51 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 24 Jan 2012, 13:30
Posts: 47
Long range outlook looks good for this weekend.
Who's going out on a boat and has spare room?
Happy to chip in $$ for fuel or even tow your boat with my fwd.
Pm me.

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 09:52 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 24 Jan 2012, 13:30
Posts: 47
Tooradin gets my vote.

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 10:16 
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i would love to be apart of this its probably too late im in cape schanck please txt me on 0447396728
if you are going out near my area or driving past so i can follow you ect.
(just to watch not take part)


PostPosted: 10 Feb 2013, 20:09 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 30 Dec 2005, 13:29
Posts: 172
Location: the gurdies and the ocean
tooradin sounds fair.

hunt it,kill it,eat it!!!!

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