The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

Photo thread
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Author:  Badger [ 25 May 2007, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Photo thread

there are some fantastic photo opportunities around victoria, and i must admit that i am getting addicted to taking pictures of all the marine creatures around the bay and ocean. here are a few of mine that i took after the photo comp had finished for the year, if anyone else has any shots they would like to share please post them up.

Author:  Badger [ 31 May 2007, 11:10 ]
Post subject: 

some more shots of snapper

Author:  albundy [ 31 May 2007, 13:28 ]
Post subject: 

Awesome pics of the snapper there badger, and by the way, that mulloway man, sensational!!!!

How big do you reckon the snapper were in the pics?

Author:  Badger [ 01 Jun 2007, 10:14 ]
Post subject: 

al: the pinkies in the top picture were smallish, the fish in the bottom left hand corner were probably legal 400-450grms and the bigger one eyeing off the burley was 700-750grm, though i cant be sure, just a guess.


Author:  albundy [ 01 Jun 2007, 13:09 ]
Post subject: 


Hey I just bought miy wife an Olympus SP550UZ which has a 18X zoom on it, do you reckon it is worth getting a housing for it to take pics or do you really need a special underwater camera?

Author:  Badger [ 01 Jun 2007, 19:57 ]
Post subject: 

in my opinion any camera with a housing has the capacity/potential to take some great underwater shots. saying that, some cameras have a specific underwater mode that compensates for the colors that fade while underwater, this is really handy when filming or in photo mode.

if the camera you have doesnt have this option then colors can be adjusted in photoshop. my understanding is that olympus make great cameras so you might be on a winner.

if you have a go at taking some photos please share them, we can all learn from each other, discuss technique, what worked what didnt etc.

Author:  albundy [ 06 Jun 2007, 13:03 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks badger, thats great

Author:  Badger [ 14 Jun 2007, 11:14 ]
Post subject: 

more pictures,

Author:  jasus [ 16 Jun 2007, 10:42 ]
Post subject: 

Lovely work there Badger!

Author:  Badger [ 17 Jun 2007, 11:44 ]
Post subject: 

thanks mate,

any interest in photography yourself? :D

Author:  jasus [ 20 Jun 2007, 10:31 ]
Post subject: 

Yeh I do have an interest, but I dont have a camera right now. Sort of saving my pennys for a new video camera and a housing. My last video camera met with an I'll fate as I was strapping it to my tournament rod and it copped one to many impacts. A stills camera is second on the list.

cheers :)

Author:  Squire [ 20 Jun 2007, 11:16 ]
Post subject: 

Badger I am looking at getting a flash that should screw onto the top of my housing but not sure whether there is a standard connection for underwater flash? Also do you know anywhere locally that retails underwater flashes.

Received a camera as a present with housing to 45m and enjoying using it for photography and videography but without a flash the photos under ledges are too dark to appreciate.

Author:  Badger [ 21 Jun 2007, 14:22 ]
Post subject: 

yeah no worries jasus, filming is a heap of fun as well. geeze the reel was going off!

squire, i must be honest i really dont know that much about camera equipment, so far its just been point and shoot. sorry i cant suggest an external flash, but may be one of the guys from the photography group i plan to visit will be able to point you in the right direction,which camera and housing are you using?will definately keep you posted.

question: does your camera have an internal flash? or is it just not powerful enough? its great to hear that your taking some snaps and even doing some video work, if your keen we can hook up for a dive and give our cameras a good work out :D

Author:  Squire [ 21 Jun 2007, 16:13 ]
Post subject: 

Yeah it does have a flash but the housing is not clear so it blocks the flash when taking photos. However there is a screw insert where an external flash can be attached.

Will bring the camera to the next meeting where you can check it out as I'm not ofay with cameras, but works okay for general photos and videos. Would definately be cool to catch up for a dive to see your technique for getting best photo results. Only have 3 weeks left over here before I head off to Thailand, France, Malta, Italy & Croatia. Might bring back a drum of vegeta for that famous Vegeta Award...

I took some short video footage of Sea Dragons and a few random photos which you might appreciate.

Author:  Badger [ 22 Jun 2007, 14:18 ]
Post subject: 

yeah bring it to the next meeting or the preso night,

wow a trip around europe and thailand thats going to be awesome! :D better than being stuck in melbourne with 9 degrees water in the bay.

maybe sunday will a goer for a dive, see how it pans out.

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