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 Post subject: new member
PostPosted: 06 Apr 2014, 21:19 
Novice Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2014, 21:01
Posts: 2
hey guys im new to the site. live in patterson lakes i have my own boat and more gear than i know what to do with and plenty of experience spearing and on the water. Really just looking for experienced dive buddys as i know few people that share my love for the sport. iv seen when the meetings are and it looks like iv recently missed the last i figured id get in early here and start meeting everyone. dean

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 08 Apr 2014, 10:37 
Forum Member

Joined: 23 Oct 2012, 18:02
Posts: 56
I've recently moved to Melbourne and am also looking for guys to dive with... don't have a number yet but send me a pm.
I stay in Heathmont which is 30km away and I'm keen to dive!!

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 09 Apr 2014, 16:37 
Novice Member

Joined: 09 Apr 2014, 16:08
Posts: 2
Hey Guys! I am a brand new member here and brand new to spearfishing. I'm a tragic fisho, love freshwater fishing back in Canada and became addicted to salt when I moved to Melbourne a couple years ago. Never tried spearing until recently.

I was out for a swim at Williamstown Beach, studying a Dusky Morwong and thinking to myself "!##%! I wish I could drop a line in front of this fish right now!" The morwong stopped at the edge of one rock and I was watching it sit still for a couple minutes, it let me get shockingly close. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a reflection very close to me and it startled me a bit, then I realised the reflection was attached to a speargun! Mate took a shot, just missed.

We surfaced and talked for a few minutes about spearfishing in Port Phillip Bay, where to find decent equipment at good value, seasonal visibility, all sorts of the end I was STOKED to get started! I went to one of the big box tackle stores last weekend and bought a Hawaiian Sling, cheap but decent construction. Went out to Williamstown Beach again and practiced shooting for about an hour on weeds, marks in the sand, just messing about. Just as I was feeling good about hitting the marks, I saw another Morwong. Took a shot but it turned just as I was releasing and I only scraped it. Still - what a thrill!

I can't wait to get out again. I need to get gear though - bloody cold without a wetsuit, even for a Canadian! I was out there in my boardies with a handspear, thinking about how nice it would be to have a proper gun, wetsuit, fins, gloves, and all the other gear that I've been researching online for the last week.

So - basically looking to find people who are willing to put up with a keen noob and also looking for some recommendations regarding beginner gear.

Look at where Jesus went to pick people. He didn't go to the colleges; he got guys off the fishing docks. - Jeff Foxworthy

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 09 Apr 2014, 18:54 
Novice Member

Joined: 27 Feb 2014, 09:36
Posts: 33
I'm always keen to get out on a boat, I'm in Moorabbin, and free mostly on weekends.. i'll PM you my number for any spontaneous trips ;)

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 09 Apr 2014, 21:17 
Novice Member

Joined: 20 Mar 2014, 21:49
Posts: 3
I am also like the others, live in lilydale, but have a boat in dromana. I've been watching some of bretts videos, it looks a lot easier than dropping a line in.


 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 09 Apr 2014, 23:41 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Joined: 11 Nov 2012, 23:32
Posts: 637
I've been watching some of bretts videos, it looks a lot easier than dropping a line in.
Yep it's so easy I had to buy myself a donut van to haul back all the fish with :shock:


 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 10 Apr 2014, 00:26 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 11:09
Posts: 579
I've been watching some of bretts videos, it looks a lot easier than dropping a line in.


This is going to be entertaining

Civilisation ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 10 Apr 2014, 09:08 
Fanatical Senior Member

Joined: 26 Nov 2005, 18:10
Posts: 1044
Hmm...maybe I should video the other 99% of the time when fish aren't throwing themselves at us. :roll:

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 10 Apr 2014, 10:27 
Fanatical Senior Member

Joined: 04 May 2009, 12:45
Posts: 832
Any one can spear a fish! Like anyone can cast a bait and have some luck on A fish. A Dusky Morwong is a classic example of a fish that wants to be shot (but tastes like shit). The key is targeting great eating species.
Im sure Brett has hours upon hours of underwater footage and chooses to publish a couple of mins on what looks good.!
Good luck! And welcome.

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 10 Apr 2014, 10:51 
Novice Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2014, 21:01
Posts: 2
For those who replied I appreciate it. I'm looking to dive with experienced blue water divers sorry. Had my time shooting small reef species and loosing interest hitting the bay. trying to go deeper and tick off a few large species from my list Id like to hunt. Eg. King fish is at the top of the list. If anyone has experience with western port and back beaches I'm available most weekends boats 16ft but I'd take 3 comfortably. Thanks

 Post subject: Re: new member
PostPosted: 10 Apr 2014, 22:45 
Novice Member

Joined: 20 Mar 2014, 21:49
Posts: 3
How do you attach sarcasm to a comment, mine has a little of it.


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