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PostPosted: 14 Sep 2012, 16:43 
Novice Member

Joined: 22 Jul 2012, 18:12
Posts: 9
Hello guys
I wanna buy a GoPro for this summer and knowing Kogan website is doing a beautifull discount at the moment .....
So, to mount it on my speargun would you go more for :
Surf edition (pretty basic tho)

Then i m fully aware i ll have to adapt my own bracket myself but as a base, which one is better?
If someone could help me plz !!!!!

I can t wait i want it deadly !!!!!!!

Much appreciate guys thanks !!!!!!

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2012, 16:56 
Expert Member (SFD)

Joined: 13 Oct 2009, 18:10
Posts: 418
Get the 'naked' edition, then spend the money you save on mounts you actualy use such as head, gun, flat lens etc.

Cheers Stephen.

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PostPosted: 14 Sep 2012, 18:07 
Senior Member

Joined: 19 Aug 2011, 21:36
Posts: 293
Yeah, Get a Naked one (or camera only), and then buy the dive case. You *MUST* buy the dive case anyway, so don't bother with getting the normal sports case that comes with the package if you're not going to use it.

The case they come with by default has a curved lense which fails to allow the gopro to focus correctly underwater, even though its depth rated to 60 metres (seems silly doesn't it?). The dive case has a flat lens, is only like 60 bucks, and looks pretty sweet.

You'll save money this way and wont have a "useless" case sitting around the place.

Then buy a head mount for all your spear diving fun! (Or Jerry-rig up a spear gun mount using the swivel arm accessory, some rubber and some cable ties! Thats what I did and it works great).

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2012, 12:36 
Novice Member

Joined: 17 Sep 2012, 12:01
Posts: 2
A word of caution about the Kogan Website.

I ordered a GoPro Surf Unit from them approx 8 weeks ago given they have the cheapest price I could find on the internet including out of the states. I have bought other items from Kogan before and their service and price has been fantastic! I though with what they are charging it was a great deal! So here I am 8 and a bit weeks later still waiting for my GoPro camera to even arrive and Kogan refuse to supply me with an exact delivery date. Mind you though they happily took my money. :twisted: And yes they have replied to all of my emails but they are still yet to deliver the product and can't even tell me when it will get here. Their emails to date are saying that due to high demand they are out of stock and that the new stock hasn't arrived in the country as yet.

After 6 weeks of patiently waiting for my camera I started reading similar experiences on other internet forums from other Kogan customers who ordered the same camera and are also still waiting for it to arrive. So I did a bit of research and found that the Australian GoPro Importer is "Lusty Industries" in Sydney. So I call Lusty (02) 4964 2227 and I asked them if they had any idea when they would be receiving new stock of the Surf Unit. To my shock surprise Lusty have plenty of stock and informed me that Kogan are not even listed as an offical GoPro dealer! It was explained to me that because I have bought my camera from a non-authorised dealer that it has no Australian Warranty and will not be accepeted by Lusty for warranty. I have also read on other forums that there are reports that some companies, and Kogan's name was mentioned are having copies of the GoPro cameras made in China. :cry:

So now I have no idea what to do about getting my camera or if it will even be a real GoPro? I do know that it certainly will not be given Australian warranty :x

My concerns:
1. Kogan should be clear about the fact that they are advertising a product that they don't even have stock of!
2. The camera they are selling does not come with Australian Warranty!
3. Is my camera going to be a genuine GoPro or some Chinese knockshop copy rippoff that will not be compatibile with the genuine GoPro accessories?

Lesson learned the hard way....if it sounds to good to be is! :oops:

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 21:05 
Novice Member

Joined: 30 Jan 2013, 20:53
Posts: 1
I know this is an old post, but I'm just spreading the word.
Kogan or any online only store are not authorised to sell GoPro cameras.
You have to have a bricks and mortar store to become a stockist.

GoPro will go to such extents to stop these stores from selling as buying and tracking serial numbers.
So what did kogan do, they shipped there stock with out a serial number. It was just a simple sticker under the battery.

The new GoPro 3, has the serial number in the software, so this is no longer possible.

So you might say, well Kogan have them now. Yes they do, they also state that it might not be the same, as if you brought it from a store.

I would like to know what they have done now. I will find out, but if anyone out there knows, it would be good info.
If I was to guess, I would say they have hacked the software and wiped the serial number. This should be doable, but you will have a problem updating your firmware.

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 21:37 
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Joined: 19 Apr 2011, 17:58
Posts: 133
Location: Melton
I just purchased the silver edition as did someone I know and he had problems from the start took it back and got it fixed no dramas for the $70 u will save I don't think it is worth it. I do buy lots of stuff online as u can save heaps but not really so in this case.

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