Hi All,
The 1st Aggregate competition is being called
ON for Sunday 08/10 at the BLOWHOLE near Flinders and is a shore dive comp.
Conditions aren't great out west where we were originally planning the comp.
Meeting point is at the carpark at then end of the blowhole track.
Blowhole.JPG [ 116.96 KiB | Viewed 2527 times ]
Here is the link for google maps.
Blowhole dropped pin - Google Maps
Meeting time is 8am. Please ensure your filled in forms and your $15 ($5 for juniors) are submitted by 8:30am.
If you haven't already done so, please ensure you have signed up to the AUF (and select Southern Freedivers as the club).
Checks will be performed to ensure everyone has the correct safety gear.
A reminder to juniors that entering into the comp also gets you a entry into the TORELLI prize pack raffle that is drawn at the presentation night at the end of the season.
The prize pack has been donated by
Legendary Skindiving Equipment.
Legendary Juniors Prize.jpg [ 79.8 KiB | Viewed 2527 times ]
Also to note, competitors are also welcome to use a hand spear for the new category where a trophy for this will be awarded at presentation night at the end of the dive season. Please indicate this when you sign on.