Hi All,
Please note the Sorrento boat comp is part of the The “Hannan” competition.
This is a 4 person “species” competition that is runs over the 3 Southern Freedivers boat competitions.
The idea is for the whole 4 person team to work together to catch as many different species as possible over the 3 boat comps.
The various different species are added to one team score sheet and only one per species counts. i.e. If the team of 4 divers jointly catch 17 different species at the first competition at Sorrento they then need to target only different species at the 2nd and 3rd boat competitions.
Winning team scores have been as high as 30 species. Over the years, this has been a very keenly contested competition , especially for those who don’t want to chase the same old regular species every competition. Four person teams can dive in different areas and out of different boats to target different species. It is amazing to see which species come in when targeting them. Often divers only weigh 1 or 2 species each in the later comps in the season to help their teams win.
The Hannan competition is NOT an extra competition day but runs in conjunction with the boat comps. It also does NOT have any extra sign on fee and the only pre requisite is that you are a financial member of the Australian Underwater Federation.
The Jim Hannan Memorial Cup and 4 smaller trophies will be awarded to the winning team of four divers at the Southern Freedivers presentation night at the end of the dive season.
You can sign on and nominate your four person teams when signing on for the Sorrento boat competition this weekend, or email them to
NOTE: You will still need to sign on at the competitions, but you need only nominate your team once.