First of all Nathan when did Kira let you out of the kitchen....
Secondly I'm a aware of what is written in the SFD rules and I don't update the rules.
If you read the New Forum Members Section- Competitions(a bit of basic info regarding our comps) down the bottom of the page P.Diddy asked this question.
P.Diddy wrote: 3/07/14
Can USFA members compete?
Hey Paul,
As far as im aware, we do let USFA members compete just like other comps in Australia.
USFA members wanting to compete need to prove that there membership is current. The best way of doing this is to bring their current USFA membership card to the competition with them.
I doubled checked with our committee (Andrew, Nghia)at the time of answering P.Diddy question, and also checked the president of South Coast Skin Divers who run Eden comp what they do. I am unaware of what the Shipwreck Coast Skin Divers comps rulings are so haven't answered any questions relating to their competitions including - Western District.
I'm happy to spare a few parrot fish and use greenies for Berley!