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PostPosted: 16 Sep 2014, 18:30 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Hi all,

I have amended the date on the poster to Sunday 21st September 2014 08:00 am.

I hope that the swell and conditions will be favourable and this comp can proceed!!


PostPosted: 16 Sep 2014, 19:02 
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love the amended date, I couldn't go last week for work. Let's hope the weather gods are with us. Ned81, I've been a member of the club for a couple of years but have only been to a couple of competitions and outside of comps I still have not dived too much. I consider myself to still be at the beginner stage as well but you will have no problem feeling out of place at a comp. I've enjoyed meeting other members and going to new spots. I feel much 'safer' in a comp where plenty of other divers are in a similar area as well, rather than being out there on any given day with my partner or on my own. In my few times in a comp I've never gone close to the leaders but for me and my skill level that's not what it's about. I'm enjoying the sense of adventure about it and just trying to better myself, see new spots and of course spear some fish and also I like seeing the other fish at the weigh in and hearing about the stories of the day.

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2014, 14:22 
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If the comp is on this weekend, I'm 90% sure I'll be there.

Happy to pair up with someone if they want.

Breathing is Overrated

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2014, 13:04 
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depending on the conditions, i may come too and will be happy to pair with someone.

Can we have an update on conditions soon?

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2014, 13:24 
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Im still undecided as to whether to try and go solo or pair up

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2014, 14:00 
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The forecast looks reasonable for anyone in the comp or anyone else in and around the exit of the bay. Use the slider on the below link to look forward. 0.5-2m sea swell prediction at this stage. ... fresh+View

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2014, 15:44 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Conditions look average at best, will make the call on it tomorrow by 2pm. Cape shank will probably be the location if we go ahead with it.

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2014, 18:18 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Happy to pair up with someone if they want.
I Never thought of you as being so friendly. Geoff might like help though?! :mrgreen:

What has everyone in this car got in common, except you Blue Groper? We've all shot a Snook!

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 13:56 
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Its on at Cape Schank Sunday 21st
Comp 1 of the Southern Freedivers season will run this Sunday 21st. After due consideration of the expected conditions comp will run at Cape Schank. There is a bit of SW swell expected on the exposed beaches so Bush Rangers bay should be fine. West side may cop a bit.
Comp will start at 9.00 am down the stairs so every one will have to leave the top carpark a bit before.Divers briefing up the top before leaving the carpark. Finish will be at the top carpark at 3.00pm. Be there early to get entries in. Please bring the correct money $15 and $5 Juniors. Please fill out an entry form prior to the start so as not to be a drama for the sign on official.
Enyone not yet joined should do so online at the AUF website. (All memberships are now done online through this site).
Safety regs will be strictly enforced so read the rules. No exceptions . Knife , float, flag ( No faded ones) mirror ,whistle, reflective tape etc.
Also take note that the new pairs rule will be used. Pairs can use (but dont have to )up to a total of 40m of float line attached at 1 float. Divers can use less than a total of 40m. Divers will still remain tethered at all times.

Why is salt water so far away and the weather so crappy at this time of the year ?

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 15:32 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Hi Andrew, is there anywhere I can find the new pairs rules or are they the same as Valdes rules?

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 16:16 
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Are there any camping grounds at the venue? And how do i find the carpark, i have never dove in the area before.

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 17:38 
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For the benefit of newbies learning how to predict conditions and the general integrity of the SFD committee - instead of “Comp is on, go **** yourselves” how about something along the lines of “Due to the moderate south-westerly swell easing and the predicted light offshore winds there are a few locations on the peninsula that may have been a possibility to dive. After talking to Muzz, who has been working the abs during the week, the ground swell isn't to bad. Subsequently, the comp has been called ON . See you all there!” (note: This is just an example. I have no idea if Muzz was on the abs, how big the ground swell is etc,etc.)


PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 18:00 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Yeah I know pussy, seems like a carbon copy of last weeks conditions. Got me buggered how they work it out.

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 18:32 
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Might be a silly question but what is the diving like at cape schank? Just curious as this will be my first dive outside of the bay

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2014, 19:05 
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Paul, Updated rules are available in the comp section under comp rules.

I am not going to respond in any detail to statements regarding any call on conditions. If its called on then see you there if its called off stay at home.

Cape Schank offers the West side exposed to sw swell and an Eastern side ( Bushrangers bay) where conditions are much more protected. Have a look on Google. Water depth in the bay Varies on both sides from 2 or 3 m to 10 + m depending on how far out. Good catches are made on both sides. More experienced divers tend to go west. The East side has usually been good to me. (Actually won a comp from the east side once when the west failed to produce.)

Why is salt water so far away and the weather so crappy at this time of the year ?

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