Paul, Updated rules are available in the comp section under comp rules.
I am not going to respond in any detail to statements regarding any call on conditions. If its called on then see you there if its called off stay at home.
Cape Schank offers the West side exposed to sw swell and an Eastern side ( Bushrangers bay) where conditions are much more protected. Have a look on Google. Water depth in the bay Varies on both sides from 2 or 3 m to 10 + m depending on how far out. Good catches are made on both sides. More experienced divers tend to go west. The East side has usually been good to me. (Actually won a comp from the east side once when the west failed to produce.)
Well put Andrew. As already stated, The competition committee has been abolished this season and the club committee will stand in and support the dive convenor who is Murray ie. The Brown Mullet
The decision to call a comp on or off lies
solely with the dive convenor at his/her own discretion and that decision is
I agree, a short summary explaining why a comp is cancelled is nice touch, BUT - not
neccesary or
mandatory. In this case due to circumstance it was impossible.
Constructive criticism is very welcome where warranted as it helps the club improve and grow. We strongly encourage this. HOWEVER....
There's no room for Minute, trivial, unnecessary, and unjustified criticism or faultfinding IE. NITPICKING. Its just not constructive, lets leave it out.