The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st
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Author:  Andrewv [ 19 Sep 2014, 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

ned81 Give me a call.(Saturday) Andrew 0418577079

Author:  Cdog [ 19 Sep 2014, 19:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Might be a silly question but what is the diving like at cape schank? Just curious as this will be my first dive outside of the bay
Hey Ned, the diving at the Schank can be really good, depending in the day, either way a bad days diving is still a good one. The geographical formation of the cape is an awesome pressure point that attracts a good array of temperate Victorian species from pinkies, whiting, salmon, pike's, boarfish, morwongs, and standard reef species such as blue throat etc. The area is also frequented by kingfish and trumpeter through the summer months and there are good crays in the area as well as ling. There is also a good chance of seeing a seven gill! I/we hope to see you there!

Author:  Cdog [ 19 Sep 2014, 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 14th

Happy to pair up with someone if they want.
I Never thought of you as being so friendly. Geoff might like help though?! :mrgreen:
Lolzz, I just realise who Red Groper is!!! Why didn't you go with Pink Groper?

Author:  ned81 [ 19 Sep 2014, 19:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

I will be there Cdog. Few nerves but can't wait

Author:  Andrewv [ 19 Sep 2014, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

That was the description I was looking for but did not have :lol:

Author:  the brown mullet [ 19 Sep 2014, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Yeah I know pussy, seems like a carbon copy of last weeks conditions. Got me buggered how they work it out. ... a/forecast

Carbon copy of last week is it Paul??

Little bit less swell!

Not as much punch in the swell!

And the South Australian swell buoy Is showing much less swell than at the same time as last week!

No one claimed its going to be flat this sunday Paul! One thing I do know is that its not going to be a CARBON copy of last week!

You are really making a clown of yourself on this forum! Pretty sad really.....

Author:  nigz [ 19 Sep 2014, 21:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Paul, Updated rules are available in the comp section under comp rules.

I am not going to respond in any detail to statements regarding any call on conditions. If its called on then see you there if its called off stay at home.

Cape Schank offers the West side exposed to sw swell and an Eastern side ( Bushrangers bay) where conditions are much more protected. Have a look on Google. Water depth in the bay Varies on both sides from 2 or 3 m to 10 + m depending on how far out. Good catches are made on both sides. More experienced divers tend to go west. The East side has usually been good to me. (Actually won a comp from the east side once when the west failed to produce.)
Well put Andrew. As already stated, The competition committee has been abolished this season and the club committee will stand in and support the dive convenor who is Murray ie. The Brown Mullet

The decision to call a comp on or off lies solely with the dive convenor at his/her own discretion and that decision is FINAL.

I agree, a short summary explaining why a comp is cancelled is nice touch, BUT - not neccesary or mandatory. In this case due to circumstance it was impossible.

Constructive criticism is very welcome where warranted as it helps the club improve and grow. We strongly encourage this. HOWEVER....

There's no room for Minute, trivial, unnecessary, and unjustified criticism or faultfinding IE. NITPICKING. Its just not constructive, lets leave it out.



Author:  Mitch [ 19 Sep 2014, 23:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Just to clear up - Andrew says the comp begins at 9am and the front page says 8am. I'm guessing it begins at 9am (arriving earlier for sign in etc -8:45)?

Author:  Andrewv [ 19 Sep 2014, 23:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

correct. However its the schank so please sign on earlier than 8.45 so that organisers can gear up and do a briefing prior to heading down for a start at 9.00

Author:  Cdog [ 19 Sep 2014, 23:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Just to clear up - Andrew says the comp begins at 9am and the front page says 8am. I'm guessing it begins at 9am (arriving earlier for sign in etc -8:45)?
Hi Mitch, you will need to get there by 8:00am to be comfortable, by the time you have a quick look at the water, walk back to your car, have a chat with the crew, sign-on, gear-up, it will be time to hike down to the rocks at the bottom of the stairs, continue to gear up (fins, float-lines, mask etc) and then commence the comp at 9:00am from the rocks.

Can EVERYONE PLEASE sign-on as soon as you get there so as the person who is undertaking sign-on can get themselves ready for the comp. PLEASE sign-on before 8:20am-ish!!

Good luck to all competitors and be SAFE!

Author:  Cdog [ 19 Sep 2014, 23:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Just saw this Nigz... FORUM FORGET? TREE OFFENCES OFFICER... Pissa!!!

Author:  ozdog [ 20 Sep 2014, 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

you go girl.....(Nigz) :lol:

Author:  Fitzy_Eire [ 20 Sep 2014, 16:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Don't forget sign on forms!

Author:  Andrewv [ 20 Sep 2014, 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

I have those

Author:  Red Groper [ 22 Sep 2014, 00:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: 1st SFD comp 2014/15 season – PENINSULA - Sunday 21st

Just some pics of todays comp at Cape Schanck.
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