The Southern Freedivers Forum - Spearfishing and Freediving in Victoria

Competitions in General
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Author:  Mitch [ 02 Jul 2014, 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Competitions in General

Hey guys - just a few questions about competitions seeing as they are starting in September

- Do we need to own a boat or is it mainly shore diving?
- How long do competitions run for? like a few hours or half a day etc
- What age do we have to be for the competitions to be free? Instead of paying $15 - Not too fussed about paying though.

Ill be signing up this year (have always browsed the forums for the past two years) and seeing as ill be finished year 12 ill be getting into the competitions.

Thanks guys,


Author:  Brett Illingworth [ 02 Jul 2014, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Competitions in General

Most are shore based. Boat rides are not that hard to find. Most of the designated boat comps can be also fished from shore. Comp duration is mainly 6 hours. 18 years and up Great way to learn about and shoot different types of fish. All levels of experience welcome. We all started at the bottom. Some of us are still there. :shock:

Author:  Mitch [ 02 Jul 2014, 21:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Competitions in General

Thanks Brett. Will definitely be joining the spearos out there when comp season starts!

Author:  Andrewv [ 03 Jul 2014, 22:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Competitions in General

Good idea to join up now . Come to a few meetings. Get to now a few people. Ask a few questions. Then bring on the dive season.

Author:  danny4178 [ 09 Oct 2014, 08:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Competitions in General

Comp spearfishing is the best way to learn HOW to spearfish properly, & what is the best gear to use... I speared "out of clubs" for 2 years & learn't nothing really, then was talked into joining a club ( Portland Bronze Whalers ) within 3 years I was winning their aggregate & in the Victorian team. This wouldn't have happened if I had muddled along on my own. You meet other people from all over Aussie & other countries with similar interests to your own !
There are so many "tricks" to stalking & spearing differant species that you will learn from experienced divers.
The reason fees are charged at comps. is to pay for end of season trophies, BBQ's, rent on facilities to hold meetings etc. The fee is not that much really when you look at other sports ! All boat comps can be fished as a rock hopper & you will still be competitive !
Danny H

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