Greg, your point is taken, but I seriously doubt that someone is going to put that much development into a carbon gun for it to be a dud in the materials department ... but what the spear is made of? I would not care one bit to be honest, I don't plan to shoot tuna with it. Even so, I would replace a spear if it was particularily shit (I doubt). BTW, I do very little rock hopping, and don't really intend to do much.
In my opinion a DECENT gun is one that ...
1. Is MONOCOQUE - NO dismantleable parts (apart from the mech), if made from the right material, stronger.
2. Has a rail
3. Has an aquaforming shape - this is the standard in my view, not got it, for get it. You can always buy a Mares.
4. open, clean (no bullshit) muzzle. Twin rubbers? What a joke. Except on the C4.
5. clean line of sight along the barrel - the better to aim with
6. Unobtrusive line release - so it does not get snagged
7. Enough space around trigger - omer have a tiny hole, its too small for me.
8. Made of good, stiff, sound abosorbing material - ie. carobon.
Now if you pretty-please show me a gun that has all those features available on the market that ISN'T the C4, then I will buy you a round of beer.
If you recall a while ago I was singing praises of the Mares model which has many of these qualities. This looks like the version of that gun that Mares
should have made. You can't accuse me of being inconsistant.
Those crabs will have no chance ...

PS. Just noticed that the line release is towards the back of the gun = no issue with putting the wish bone in place, I guess that makes numer 10.