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PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 09:29 
General Committee Member
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How about a report from someone for those who could not get there ?

Why is salt water so far away and the weather so crappy at this time of the year ?

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 11:41 
Expert Member (SFD)
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How about a report from someone for those who could not get there ?
Was a good comp, lots of fish,crays,clear water. The end ;)

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 12:44 
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Good turn out ?

Why is salt water so far away and the weather so crappy at this time of the year ?

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 14:32 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Yes good turn out. A few of the old Hamilton club signed on including Rex Lowry 73 years old. The youngest was Bree Fox, she's only 8 years old! Weather was much better than internet predicted, who would of thought :roll: . Sunday at Griffith Island was moderate swell but very dive able and Monday at Killarney low swell with excellent conditions. Both days great visibility and lots of Crays. Catches up to 15 species by A grade divers but I will leave that for Watto to report.

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 22:50 
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Paul don't forget the divers or diver with 2 or less species that spend all their time scaring the fish out into deeper water for the A graders to catch. :lol:

Had a great long weekend unfortunately it ended too soon, but got to meet some great friendly people.

Carly and I can't wait for the next one.



PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 23:08 
Vic Records Officer
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scores are up in the members Area

Geoff send Kurt a pm to make your username Bold Blue and youll be able to view them

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 23:14 
Expert Member (SFD)
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scores can go up on here mate

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 23:22 
Expert Member (SFD)
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what was the most meritorious fish taken for the weekend?


PostPosted: 29 Jan 2013, 23:42 
Expert Member (SFD)
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Hard to say which fish was the best. Thumping garfish around 45cm, whitting to 780grams, boarfish over 2kgs, massive 6spine, the list goes on mate

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 09:14 
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Having trouble finding the Results, was wondering how Mac placed

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 10:05 
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Results are in the Members section, can't let the P,G&E's see them (You'll know what I mean from my previous post)

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 14:48 
General Committee Member
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Great to see a couple of pairs in the results

Why is salt water so far away and the weather so crappy at this time of the year ?

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 17:23 
Vic Records Officer
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day 1 Griffith island:

Rob Torelli: 13 species- 1454.30pts - 100%
Peter Riddle: 11 species- 1288.55pts- 88.60%
Murray Petersen: 11 species- 1245.40pts- 85.63%
Trent Crane: 11 species- 1212.20pts- 83.35%
Mac Riddle: 8 species- 864.70pts- 59.45%
Leigh Elliott: 7 species- 811.725pts- 55.81%
Nathan Watson: 7 species- 782.15pts- 53.78%
Alan Fitzsimons: 7 species- 780.25pts- 53.65%
Tom Dawson: 6 species- 674.10pts- 46.35%
Scott Walker: 6 species- 662.20pts- 45.53%
Dave Scholefield: 6 species- 640.40pts- 44.03%
Shane Lowery: 5 species- 573.45pts- 39.22%
Sam Dawson: 5 species- 543.10pts- 37.34%
Joseph Bednarek: 4 species- 431.65pts- 29.68%
Rex Lowery: 3 species- 338.45pts- 23.27%
Marcus and Paul Dorf:3 species- 320.05pts- 22.00%
Bree and Craig Fox: 2 species- 212.75pts- 14.62%
Geoff Gannon: 1 species- 110.80pts- 7.61%

Day 2 Kilarney ponds:
Murray Petersen: 15species- 1770.35pts- 100%
Dave Scholefield: 15species- 1741.25pts- 98.35%
Rob Torelli: 14 species- 1630.70pts- 92.11%
Leigh Elliott: 10 species- 1164.35pts- 65.76%
Peter Riddle: 10 species- 1146.65pts- 64.76%
Shane Lowery: 10species- 1118.90pts- 63.20%
Trent Crane: 8 species- 912.65pts- 51.55%
Sam Dawson: 7 species- 791.45pts- 44.70%
Scott Walker: 7 species- 788.65pts- 44.54%
Tom Dawson: 7 species- 775.575pts- 43.80%
Nathan Watson: 6 species- 726.90pts- 41.05%
Bradley Lanza: 5 species- 564.70pts- 31.89%
Joseph Bednarek: 5 species- 548.45pts- 30.979%
Mac Riddle: 5 species- 548.40pts- 30.976%
Marcus and Paul Dorf: 3 species- 324.95pts- 18.35%
Geoff Gannon: 2 species- 214.60pts- 12.12%
Rex Lowery: 2 species- 211.45pts- 11.94%

Western Districs Results
1.Rob Torelli- 27 fish- 3085.00pts
2.Murray Petersen- 26 fish- 3015.75pts
3.Peter Riddle- 21 fish- 2435.20pts
4.Dave Scholefield- 21 fish- 2381pts
5.Trent Crane- 19 fish- 2124.85pts
6.Leigh Elliott- 17 fish- 1976.075pts
7.Shane Lowery- 15 fish- 1692.35pts
8.Nathan Watson- 13 fish- 1509.05pts
9.Scott Walker- 13 fish- 1450.85pts
10.Tom Dawson- 13 fish- 1449.675pts
11.Mac Riddle- 13 fish- 1413.10pts
12.Sam Dawson- 12 fish- 1334.55pts
13.Joseph Bednarek- 9 fish- 980.10pts
14.Alan Fitzsimons- 7 fish- 780.25pts
15.Marcus and Paul Dorf- 6 fish- 645.00pts
16.Bradley Lanza- 5 fish- 564.70pts
17.Rex Lowery- 5 fish- 549.90pts
18.Geoff Gannon- 3 fish- 325.40pts
19.Bree and Craig Fox- 2 fish- 212.75pts

full report in members section

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 19:51 
Fanatical Senior Member
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Comp is rigged. I should be in "E" grade.

E grade point system per day:

100 points for getting in the water
150 points for not spearing myself or anyone else
200 points for not creating brown stains in my undies when 3m black ray tried stealing my blue throat from my hand.
100 points any fish that is legal length, no minimum weight
-300 points for spewing and trying to convince Carly spew is the best berley!
500 points for not drowning

My score after 2 days
200+300+200+500(sweep, grass, parrot, bluethroat x2), -600(spew x2), +1000(surviving)

Makes me finish 8th above Watto and KiwiScott :mrgreen:
You boys need to lift!! :roll:

Less spew and I'd be knocking on the door of Lethal and Trent. :oops:

I haven't forgotten you Brown Mullet remember I used to be "awesome" :lol:



PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013, 22:08 
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Joined: 30 Jan 2013, 21:57
Posts: 1
Hi guys. Thanks for posting the results of the WD champs. Had to get back to Hamilton and missed the final results on the day. First comp back after about 10+ years out of the scene and Rex and I really enjoyed it! Time I got fit again and have a proper crack again lol. Hope to see you all down this way again soon and if you do head down shoot me a message and we can hook up for a dive in port fairy or Portland. Cheers :P

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